ENERPAL in collaboration with the Cluster of Renewable Energies and Energy Solutions in Castilla y León (CYLSOLAR) and with Disefi Renovables and SMI Hispania, is developing a Quality Certification for Photovoltaic Solar Energy Installations.
The overall objective is innovation in the promotion and enhancement of the services offered by the companies of the Cluster of Renewable Energy and Energy Solutions in Castilla y León, specifically those focused on photovoltaic solar energy installations, through a certification system and a mark for the recognition of the quality and specialization of service of the companies in the design, execution and maintenance of photovoltaic solar installations, as a differentiating instrument of the offer.
Specific objectives of the project
- Improvement of the competitiveness of the sector through innovation in promotion.
- Improvement of the quality of the service offered by the companies when submitting to higher quality standards.
- Improvement of the image of the sector, by offering a quality brand.
- Improvement of the client’s confidence in the installation companies.
Expected results
- Analysis of similar quality stamps.
- Definition of the seal of photovoltaic solar energy installations.
- Preparation of the certification scheme.
This project is being subsidized by the Junta de Castilla y León through the support line for Innovative Business Groups, call 2018, of the Ministry of Economy and Finance, co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (FEDER).