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The THERMOENERGETIC business division has three Units:
- ENERPAL BIOMASA S.L. carries out the Project Engineering, Construction, Operation and Maintenance related to plants of heat generation for large buildings (heating and SWH) and industrial processes (steam generation) by means of the consumption of biomass and solar thermal energy.
- ENERPAL SERVICIOS TERMOENERGÉTICOS S.L. carries out Integral Management of the installations. Sale of thermal energy (kcal).
- ENERPAL FOREST DISTRIBUTION S.L. carries out the Manufacturing, Distribution and Sale of Biomass.
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Enerpal covers all activities in the value chain (promotion, engineering, construction, operation and maintenance of thermoenergetic projects, as well as manufacture and distribution of biomass), both for third parties and for own energy assets, with a quality recognition in all of them.
[/cmsms_text][cmsms_toggles mode=”accordion” animation_delay=”0″][cmsms_toggle title=”LICENSE DEVELOPMENT”]
- Management and processing of all Permits, Licenses and Authorizations necessary for the development of any Project.
- Negotiation and advice of the contracts necessary for the Projects development.
- Technical economic feasibility study for each Project.
[/cmsms_toggle][cmsms_toggle title=”PROJECT ENGINEERING”]
- Design of power plants.
- Preliminary evaluation of resource of power plants.
- Basic project.
- Administrative project.
- Construction and detailed engineering.
- Re-design and re-engineering of power plants.
- Owners engineer services.
[/cmsms_toggle][cmsms_toggle title=”Construction”]
- Project directorate and project management.
- Preparation and management of request for quotation documentation.
- Advisory services and negotiation of EPC contracts.
- Advisory services and supervision of construction works.
- Turnkey Construction.
- Quality inspections and mounting finish.
- Supervision of commissioning works.
[/cmsms_toggle][cmsms_toggle title=”INTEGRAL MANAGEMENT: OPERATION, MAINTENANCE AND ADMNISTRATIVE MANAGEMENT”]The integral management is in charge of doing everything necessary for the correct functioning of the assets, including the labours of operations, maintenance and administrative management.[/cmsms_toggle][cmsms_toggle title=”Maintenance”]
Preventive Maintenance:
- Detection of any incidents that may generate a performance problem in the installation.
Predictive Maintenance:
- Remote monitoring and diagnosis of the operation and functioning of the installations. Analysis of operation and combustion. Fuel analysis.
Corrective maintenance:
- In case of failure, Enerpal will attend the plant within a minimum period of time from the detection of the fault counting on technical and material equipment and resources to remedy the problem. Enerpal has a 24-hours 365-day service on call.
[/cmsms_toggle][cmsms_toggle title=”OPERATION AND ADMINISTRATIVE MANAGEMENT”]
- From Enerpal own Control Centre (24 hours, 365 days) all plants are managed and controlled in real time, and are operated according to their needs.
- Enerpal has developed and adapted a global software solution that allows us to manage all plants under maintenance, providing remote access to the client.
- Enerpal performs monitoring tasks and monitoring of the production and performance of installations follow-up, aimed at anticipating incidents and identifying improvements, and being able to act on plant elements in real time.
- Preparation of monthly audits of production, status and incidences of each plant.
- Management of project operational contracts (EPC, O&M, security, financing, etc.), supervision of contractors’ obligations compliance and guarantee claims.
- Management of the operation insurance of the facility, and of possible insurance claims in case of incidents.
- Optimization of operating costs (O&M, security, auditing, insurance, etc.).
- Management of energy sale.
- Monitoring and continuous analysis of production.
- Monitoring of combustion and quality of used biofuel.
- Optimization of production performance of each plant.
[/cmsms_toggle][cmsms_toggle title=”ENERGY SERVICE COMPANY (ESCO)”]
Like any other companies that sell electricity, gas, etc. Enerpal is certified by the Ministry of Industry as an Energy Services Company for the sale of heat (kcal).
Developing its activity by carrying out the project engineering, construction and maintenance of thermal installations for the production of heat in large and industrial buildings and industrial processes.
Enerpal has experience in large projects as Energy Services Company, so that our customers benefit from the advantages of consuming 100% natural energy, paying only for the energy consumed.
Enerpal assumes:
- The dimensioning of the thermal energy generation plant for the Heating System, hot water or the Industrial Process, studying current consumption and proposing the most efficient and cost effective solution, in turn improving the customer’s energy rating.
- The necessary investment to carry out required adaptations in the thermal installations.
- The integral energy management (fuel purchase, operation & maintenance, breakdowns, permits and authorizations, etc …) of the thermal installations in order to generate the required heat.
[/cmsms_toggle][cmsms_toggle title=”MANUFACTURE AND DISTRIBUTION OF BIOMASS”]
Through the FOREST DISTRIBUTION subsidiary, Enerpal is dedicated to the Manufacture and Distribution of Quality Biomass in order to supply high-quality biomass biofuels for biomass thermal power plants owned or operated by third parties, complying with technical requirements of each type of boiler as well as with environmental legislation and putting into the hands of its customers a solution that will bring them:
- Lower Thermal Cost.
- Lower Cost of Breakdowns.
- Greater respect for the environment.
- Biomass Supply Guarantee.
- National Distribution with own fleet.
[cmsms_button button_link=”http://forestdistribution.es/” button_target=”self” button_bg_color=”#2c55a4″ button_text_color=”#ffffff” button_text_color_h=”#2c55a4″ button_bg_color_h=”#ffffff” button_text_align=”left” button_padding_hor=”20″ animation_delay=”0″]FURTHER INFORMATION[/cmsms_button]
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Biomass is a forest fuel that allows to obtain energy for thermal purposes, in a more sustainable, efficient and economic way than fossil fuels and petroleum products. The transformation of forest waste is an important thermal energy resource.
The environmental, labor, economic and tax advantages that they generate in the areas and regions in which they are used make the biomass for thermal use a very important energy to take into account for the development of Heating, hot water of buildings and Industrial processes in general.
ENERPAL offers its customers:
1) Plants designed to meet the needs of single family dwellings, small industries and in general small thermal energy consumers.
Where ENERPAL will be in charge of the dimensioning of the thermal energy production plant for the Heating System, the Solar Water Heating (SWH) or the Industrial Process, studying the current consumption and proposing the most efficient and cost effective solution, in turn improving Customer’s energy rating.
2) Plants designed to meet the needs of customers of large buildings and industrial processes that register a high demand for thermal energy, through an Energy Services Contract (ESCO mode contract).
Where ENERPAL will be in charge of:
- The dimensioning of the installation of thermal energy production for the Heating System, the Solar Water Heating (SWH) or Industrial Process, studying current consumption and proposing the most efficient and cost effective solution, in turn improving the customer’s energy rating.
- The necessary investment to carry out the required adjustments in the thermal installations.
- Integral energy management (fuel purchase, operation & maintenance, breakdowns, permits and authorizations, etc …) of the thermal installations in order to generate the required heat.
[/cmsms_toggle][cmsms_toggle title=”SOLAR THERMAL PLANTS”]
Solar thermal energy consists of using the solar energy to produce heat through thermal collectors and accumulators that generate and store hot water for consumption, whether hot water, heating or other forms of energy.
ENERPAL will be in charge of the dimensioning of the thermal energy production plant for the Heating System, the Water Heating or the Industrial Process, studying the current consumption and proposing the most efficient and profitable solution, in turn improving the qualification Energy of the customer.
Known internationally as “District Heating”, it is the centralized production of heat that, through a system of networks which transport thermal fluids, satisfy the demand of heating, water heating and industrial processes for those users who are connected to given network system.
One of the main benefits of such heat networks is the increase of the energy efficiency in the thermal energy generation integrating:
- Renewable energy (mainly thermal biomass, solar thermal energy, etc…).
- Local resources that would otherwise be lost (local forest resources, ground subsurface energy, natural cooling, heat or cold leftover from nearby industry, etc.).
- Production systems of high energy efficiency.
In addition, they have important environmental, social, labor and economic benefits that radically improve the areas and regions in which they are implemented.
ENERPAL has the experience and business structure necessary for the development, design, construction, operation and maintenance of this type of thermoenergetic infrastructures.
[/cmsms_toggle][cmsms_toggle title=”Energy efficiency”]
Energy efficiency is a practice that aims to reduce energy consumption as much as possible.
In this way energy efficiency is based on the efficient use of energy, by optimizing both production processes and consumption points, using the same or less energy to produce more goods and services.
All this through the performance of energy audits for the analysis of energy consumption in residential, tertiary and industrial buildings, in order to improve energy efficiency and economic savings in those sectors.
[/cmsms_toggle][cmsms_toggle title=”CONTACT FORM”]
For more information about any of services in our thermoenergetic business division, please fill out our contact form:
[cmsms_button button_link=”https://enerpal.es/en/contact-thermoenergetic-area/” button_target=”self” button_bg_color=”#2c55a4″ button_text_color=”#ffffff” button_text_color_h=”#2c55a4″ button_bg_color_h=”#ffffff” button_text_align=”center” button_padding_hor=”20″ animation_delay=”0″]Contact Form[/cmsms_button]
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